ROBUSTA-GAUKEL is winner of the bpzPraxisAward 2021

Solutions with high practical benefits help contractors to carry out projects quickly and economically. As part of the bpzPraxisAwards 2021, the trade medium "bpz" presented innovative products - machines, equipment, construction materials and IT solutions - and then asked readers which solutions could offer the greatest added value for everyday construction site work.
We took part with our product ConFlex - the safe and efficient solution for moving construction site containers.
And ConFlex was convincing: after the count was completed in January, ConFlex received the most reader/user votes from the industry for a total of 11 solutions.
This made ROBUSTA-GAUKEL the winner of the bpzPraxisAward 2021! A big thank you to all readers, we are very happy about this award.
More information about ConFlex: here
All nominated solutions can be found on in the dossier "bpzPraxis-Award".